一、房地产公司采用企业现代化管理的必要性 房地产,从古至今一直是一种贵重紧缺的物力资源、各行各业最基本的生产要素和人们生活绝不可少的必需品,而且是商品。随着我国社会主义市场经济的确立、科技的需求逐年加大,已成为各类型房地产公司置产置业吸引内外客商的热门投资项目对象。房地产业,是从事房地产开发、经营、管理和服务的产业,房地产业兼有生产(开发)、经营、
First, the need for real estate companies to adopt modern management of enterprises Real estate, since ancient times has been a precious material and material resources, all walks of life the most basic elements of production and essential human life necessities, but also commodities. With the establishment of the socialist market economy in our country, the demand for technology has been increasing year by year, and has become a popular investment project for various types of real estate companies to attract domestic and foreign businessmen for their home-based businesses. Real estate, is engaged in real estate development, management, management and service industries, real estate both production (development), management,