Objective To analyze the screening status of neonatal phenylketonuria (PKU) in Quanzhou from 2002 to 2006. Methods The newborn fetus blood was collected 72 h after birth and dripped on a special filter paper (S & S903 filter paper). The concentration of phenylalanine (Phe) was determined by fluorescence method. Phe> 2.0mg / dl recall review, the result is still more than 2.0mg / dl sent to Shanghai Xinhua Hospital diagnosed. Results A total of 224917 newborns were screened in five years. Suspected PKU240 cases were diagnosed in 6 cases (one of them was lack of tetrahydrobiopterin). PKU discovery rate 1/37486. Conclusion Neonatal disease screening is an effective method for early diagnosis of PKU in children and is an effective means to prevent the onset of mental retardation in children with early treatment of PKU.