Differences in nitrous oxide distribution patterns between the Bering Sea basin and Indian Sector of

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:new_youxi
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Nitrous oxide(N2O) distribution patterns in the Bering Sea basin(BSB) and Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean(ISSO) were described and compared. In both sites, the waters were divided into four layers: surface layer, subsurface layer, N2O maximum layer, and deep water. Simulations were made to find out the most important factors that regulate the N2O distribution patterns in different layers of both sites. The results showed that in the surface water, N2O was more understaturated in the ISSO than the BSB. This phenomenon in the surface water of ISSO may result from ice melt water intrusion and northeastward transport of the Antarctic surface water. Results of the rough estimation of air-sea fluxes during the expedition were Nitrous oxide (N2O) distribution patterns in the Bering Sea basin (BSB) and Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean (ISSO) were described and compared. In both sites, the waters were divided into four layers: surface layer, subsurface layer, N2O maximum layer, and deep water. Simulations were made to find out the most important factors that regulate the N2O distribution patterns in different layers of both sites. The results showed that in the surface water, N2O was more understaturated in the ISSO than the BSB. This phenomenon in the surface water of ISSO may result from ice melt water intrusion and northeastward transport of the Antarctic surface water. Results of the rough estimation of air-sea fluxes during the expedition were
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