Wheat harvest with a combine harvester, a job can be completed cutting, threshing, separation, cleaning, grain into the warehouse and unloading food and other processes. However, due to improper adjustment and improper use of the equipment during operation, various losses (such as falling, cutting ears, falling ears, shredding, crushing, missing grains and leakage) are often added. In order to reduce or control a variety of losses within a certain range, we must understand the structure and work performance of the machine on the basis of the correct adjustment of the various parts of the machine so that the machine to maintain the best technical conditions for homework. The following is a brief introduction of the harvester combine harvester loss of the causes and prevention measures. First, the harvester feed part of the loss Harvest feed part of the loss include: dial Wo loss, loss of Wo Wo and stubble height caused by improper loss. In general, three parts are lost