
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cppgreate
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住房制度改革事关广大官兵的切身利益和部队稳定,它体现了党和国家对军人的关怀。但是,由于住房制度改革是一个庞大的系统工程,住房补贴制度才刚刚起步,住房补贴管理没有成熟的经验可借鉴,我们只能在实际工作中不断学习和探索,在学习和探索中前进。笔者就加强住房补贴管理谈谈自己的一些看法。1.党委要高度重视,各部门要认真组织宣传学习。住房补贴管理工作事关每个官兵切身利益,各级党委和军政主官务必要高度重视,分管领导具体负责,切实加强组织领导和监督检查。政治部门要因地制宜,利用广播、闭路电视、报刊、黑板报、墙报和计算机网络等,广泛开展形式多样、内容丰富的宣传教育。后勤部门要抽出专门的时间 The reform of the housing system is related to the vital interests of the broad ranks of officers and soldiers and the stability of the armed forces. It reflects the party’s and state’s concern for military personnel. However, since the reform of the housing system is a huge systematic project, the system of housing subsidy has just started. There is no mature experience in housing subsidy management to learn from. We can only continue to learn and explore in practical work and advance in study and exploration. The author on housing subsidies to strengthen management talk about some of their own views. 1. Party committees should attach great importance to all departments to seriously organize propaganda and study. The management of housing subsidies has an immediate and immediate bearing on the immediate interests of all officers and men. Party committees and military and government officials at all levels must attach great importance to them, take charge of the specific responsibilities of the leaders and earnestly strengthen their organizational leadership and supervision and inspection. The political departments should conduct a wide range of informative and informative propaganda and education based on local conditions by means of broadcasting, closed circuit television, newspapers, blackboard newspapers, posters and computer networks. Logistics department to extract a special time
本课题通过建立AngⅡ诱导的心肌成纤维细胞(cardiac fibroblasts,CFs)增殖的模型,应用不同浓度的四妙勇安汤干预,观察其对AngⅡ诱导的CFs增殖及TGF-β1/Smad3信号转导通路的影
骨碎补,苦、温,归肝、肾经, 功能补肾、活血、止血、续伤. 用其鲜品切片外涂患处, 治疗花斑癣有独特的效果.
风乍起,吹皱一池春水 2000年,中国信息安全产业极不寻常的一年。作为IT业又一支新兴力量,信息安全的产业市场在这一年初步形成,并迅速壮大起来。信息安全问题一时间成为媒体
<正> 高品质化策略。在人们的生活由温饱进入小康的新阶段,人们不再满足于吃饱,更重视吃好,对农产品品质的要求越来越高,优质农产品的市场前景十分广阔,优质优价正成为新的消
在种子乳液聚合中加入可发气成分AC,制备可发气P(S/BVA)-PS 核壳结构微球,借助电子显微镜(TEM)等测试手段观察聚合过程,并与单纯种子乳液聚合进行对比,进而推测、探讨种子乳