Comparison between Chinese and Western Corporate Social Responsibilities Based on Cultural Differenc

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Currently,corporate social responsibility has become the focus of all countries in the world.Accordingly,there is a new management concept to appear.Corporate social responsibility means that corporation is the main body to undertake responsibility,and its social responsibility is from the effect of corporation activities on the society.With cultural differences,Chinese and western corporate social responsibilities are very different,including the role of government,the point of view to understand,the social supervision,etc.In this study,China’s corporation society responsibility construction way is analyzed based on knowing well the cultural differences. Currently, corporate social responsibility has become the focus of all countries in the world. Accredited, there is a new management concept to appear. Corporate social responsibility means that corporation is the main body to undertake responsibility, and its social responsibility is from the effect of corporation activities on the society.With cultural differences, Chinese and western corporate social responsibilities are very different, including the role of government, the point of view to understand, the social supervision, etc.In this study, China’s corporation society responsibility construction way is analyzed based on knowing well the cultural differences.
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