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突然而至的5·12大地震牵动着全国人民的心,整个民族在此时表现出空前的凝聚力,全国上下齐心协力抗震救灾,大家都要为灾区人民献出自己的一份爱心,贡献自己的力量。企业家们,作为社会中一个特殊的群体,他们在这场灾难中发挥着怎样的作用呢?的确,有很多企业家在地震之后,强烈的责任感让他们火速赶奔抗震救灾前线,希望在捐款捐物之外,能够用自己的双手为灾区人民做更多的事情,他们希望在突如其来的灾难面前,用自己的肩膀扛起更多的责任。也许你会问,这些企业家们能在灾区发挥怎样的作用呢?的确,作为企业的领导者,平日里习惯于制定目标战略,习惯于指引方向,这些工作给人带来成就感的同时也往往会让他们产生一种舍我其谁的自豪感。但是在强大的自然力面前,当生命显得如此脆弱的时候,不少紧急赶赴灾区的企业家们,在忙乱的救灾现场,面对坍塌的房屋、遇难者的尸体和幸存者的呼救,也曾体会到深深的无力感。在全人类的灾难面前,企业家和非企业家的区别并没有太大的意义,作为一个有责任心和良知的中国人,实实在在地为灾区做一些事情,是义不容辞的选择。所以我们这期杂志选择了两位企业家,一位是江苏的陈光标,他在地震之后率领由60辆重型机械车组成的救援队伍在36小时之内赶到灾区;另一位是豆瓣网的创始人杨勃,他所创办的这个网站在地震之后成了用户们表达意见和联络救灾事宜的平台。这两个人所做的事情,一个有着英雄千里驰援的气概,一个在平静中显出坚定。在举国上下抗震救灾的时候,我们记录下这样的两个人物和他们的行动,也算是对这场灾难的一个纪念。 The sudden 5.12 earthquake affected the hearts of people across the country. The entire nation has demonstrated unprecedented coherence at this time. All the people in the entire country are making concerted efforts to fight the earthquake and relief work. All of them have to dedicate their love and contribution to the people in the disaster areas. the power of. Entrepreneurs, as a special group in society, what role do they play in this catastrophe? Indeed, after the earthquake, many entrepreneurs have a strong sense of responsibility so that they can quickly rush to the earthquake relief front, They can use their own hands to do more for the people in the disaster-stricken areas. They hope to shoulder more responsibility on their shoulders in the face of unexpected catastrophes. Perhaps you may ask, what kind of role these entrepreneurs can play in the quake-stricken area? Indeed, as a business leader, they are accustomed to setting goals and strategies on a daily basis and are accustomed to guiding the work. They give people a sense of accomplishment Often give them a sense of pride in building their own homes. However, in the face of the powerful forces of nature, when life seemed so vulnerable, many emergency rushed to the disaster area entrepreneurs, in the hectic disaster relief site, the face of the collapsed houses, the victims of the bodies and survivors of the cry for help, but also realized To a deep sense of powerlessness. In the face of all mankind’s disasters, there is not much difference between entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. As a responsible and conscientious Chinese, it is an unshirkable choice to actually do something for the affected areas. Therefore, we selected two entrepreneurs in this issue, one is Chen Guangbiao of Jiangsu Province. After the earthquake, he led a rescue team of 60 heavy-duty mechanical vehicles to reach the disaster-stricken areas within 36 hours. Another was Douban Yang Bo, founder of the site he founded after the earthquake became the users to express their views and contact disaster relief platform. What these two people do, one has a heroic spirit and one that shows firmness in peace. At the time of the entire country’s quake relief efforts, we recorded such two figures and their actions as a memorial to this disaster.
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