在商务交往中,一个人的才能和经济实力固然重要,但人格魅力与个人品质也不可忽视,具有良好的受欢迎的品质无疑会受到对方的尊重,提高自己商誉,从而为你的商业活动获得成功助一臂之力。 严守诺言,信用为上 按合同上的要求履行自已的职责,保证信用,这是基本商业规则。可很多人往往忽视在与商务伙伴的交流过程中也要如履行合同一样兑现自己的诺言。信口开河且没做到,会使对方认定你是个不讲信用的人,怎么会有信赖感?这就要求你不
In business dealings, a person’s talent and economic strength are of course important, but charisma and personal qualities can not be ignored, with good popular quality will undoubtedly be respected by each other, improve their goodwill, so as your business activities Successful help. Keep their promises, credit on the contract to perform their duties on the request to ensure credit, which is the basic business rules. Many people often overlook the promise that they must honor their promises in the same manner as contracts when communicating with business partners. If you do not believe it, it will make you believe that you are a person who does not believe in credit. How do you feel trust?