为了解陕西省基层计划免疫服务现状 ,对 6个地区 (市 )所辖 6个县 (区 )、30个乡 (镇 )、180名村医做了调查 ,村医中男性占 80 0 % ,>5 0岁的占 2 2 8% ,以高中以下文化、初级职称为主 ;兼职从事计划免疫工作的占 4 7 2 %。每名村医年平均服务 13名新出生婴儿 ,防疫津贴年均 72元。 1997~ 1999年 ,提供 <6次和未提供免疫服务的接种点占 7 7% ,接种点平均拥有的接种器材和冷藏设备基本满足工作需要。 4 4 %~ 6 7%的村医不清楚疫苗使用的基本知识。此结果提示 ,我省在加快村医队伍专职化、年轻化 ,解决村医报酬 ,更新冷藏设备 ,加强计划免疫相关知识培训方面要下功夫
In order to understand the status quo of grass-roots immunization services in Shaanxi Province, 6 villages (districts), 30 townships (towns) and 180 village doctors under the jurisdiction of 6 districts (cities) were surveyed. Male doctors in village doctors accounted for 80% > 50% of the population accounted for 22.8%, mainly in the areas of high school education and junior professional titles; part-time engaged in planned immunization accounted for 472%. The average annual service of 13 newborns in each village during the medical year is 72 yuan per year. From 1997 to 1999, vaccination sites providing <6 immunization services and immunization services without vaccination accounted for 77%. The average vaccination and vaccination facilities at the vaccination sites basically met their work needs. 44% to 67% of village doctors did not know the basic knowledge of vaccine use. This result suggests that our province should make efforts in accelerating the professionalization and rejuvenation of village and village medical teams in respect of remuneration for village doctors, updating of refrigeration equipment and strengthening training on knowledge about immunization programs