中国的巫傩面具,上承商周,下继当世,历数千年而犹存,至今散布于民间。除汉族沿称为“傩”面具外,各少数民族的原始宗教面具和岁时风俗面具也程度不同地具备巫傩文化的特征。 近两年,我因参与《中国巫傩面具艺术》画册的编辑工作,所见各地搜集的巫傩面具涉汉、藏、蒙、彝、苗、瑶、壮、土家、纳西、仡佬、毛南、朝鲜等十几个民族,凡1700余例。其中有原始文化的遗存,有民间艺
The witchcraft mask in China, Shang Cheng Zhou, succeeded to the world, survived for thousands of years, still scattered in the folk. Except for the Han mask called “傩” mask, the primitive religious masks and old-age custom masks of ethnic minorities also have the characteristics of witch-hua culture to varying degrees. In the past two years, due to my participation in the editorial work of the album “Chinese Witchcraft Mask Art,” I have seen the collection of witches and masks involving Han, Tibetan, Mongol, Yi, Miao, Yao, Zhuang, Tujia, Naxi, Gelao, North Korea more than a dozen ethnic groups, where more than 1700 cases. Among them are the remnants of primitive culture, folk art