【摘 要】
Heavy oil is treated as an undesirable raw material in traditional refining markets because of its low yield. However, its rich natural aromatic structure and heteroatomic compounds make it possible to be a precursor to large-scale production of carbon ma
【机 构】
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249,
Heavy oil is treated as an undesirable raw material in traditional refining markets because of its low yield. However, its rich natural aromatic structure and heteroatomic compounds make it possible to be a precursor to large-scale production of carbon materials. Using heavy oil and three SDA products as precursors, we synthesized highly fluorescent multi-color carbon dots (CDs) by hydrothermal method, which can precisely control the photoluminescence wavelength in the range of 350-650 nm. The synthesized carbon dots have the advantages of good long-term stability and stability under extreme pH conditions and low price. Importantly, the carbon dots synthesized with asphalt as the precursor have the highest fluorescence quantum yield. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is used to elucidate the effects of different precursor on emission color change and photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY), thus providing a controlled tuning of the system for the functionalization of CDs. And we further used the CDs in macrophage labeling. This pathway gives a reliable and repeatable industry possibility and may boost the applications of CDs into reality.
活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)是氧与电子反应后的产物,适当的ROS水平和氧化应激平衡对维持生理功能有着重要作用.当ROS产生过多或消除ROS的能力减弱,产生氧化应激(oxidative stress,OS),可导致多种不孕相关疾病.氧化应激参与了多囊卵巢综合征、子宫内膜异位症、复发性流产等多种疾病的发生发展,同时参与疾病的转归.除了参与女性生殖相关疾病,氧化应激也可以降低精液的质量,影响男性的生殖功能.因此就氧化应激在生殖系统相关疾病的发病机制中所发挥的作用进行综述.
多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)是一种多病因引起的生殖内分泌代谢性疾病,临床多表现为多毛、痤疮、排卵障碍、月经稀发甚至闭经,其远期并发症有代谢综合征、心血管疾病和子宫内膜癌(endometrial carcinoma,EC)等.子宫内膜病变是指各种原因所致内分泌失调引起妇女不规则阴道出血、经期延长和经量增多等,包括子宫内膜增生(endometrial hyperplasia,EH)和EC.PCOS患者因内分泌代谢紊乱(包括各种原因所致雌激素、雄激素分泌失调,胰
早发性卵巢功能不全(premature ovarian insufficiency,POI)是指女性40岁以前出现卵巢功能衰退,其主要特征为闭经或月经稀发、低雌激素症状和生育力下降.POI与绝经不同,其并非卵巢功能的完全衰退,POI患者在较长时间内仍可出现间歇性卵巢功能恢复.部分POI患者仍有生育需求,但POI不孕患者的生育治疗手段有限,治疗效果不理想,治疗方案仍在不断探索.通过相关的病例报道及文献复习,总结部分常见的POI患者促生育治疗的方法,主要对药物、手术、卵母细胞体外激活、干细胞移植及注射富含血小
妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)是妊娠期的主要并发症之一,随着我国二孩政策的实施、生活水平的提高、婚姻观念的转变,在肥胖、高龄和遗传易感性等高危因素的影响下,GDM的发病率呈逐年上升趋势.目前GDM的具体发病机制尚不明确,可能与胰岛素抵抗及胰岛β细胞功能缺陷有关.GDM孕妇体内糖代谢的紊乱会进一步导致脂质代谢的异常,从而引发不良妊娠结局.其中脂肪因子,如促代谢因子(betatrophin)、趋化素(chemerin)、C1q/肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白(CTRP
Dinuclear ytterbium and erbium based bifunction complexes Ln2L2(depma2)Cl2 (1-Ln, Ln =Yb and Er, H2L=N1,N3-bis(salicylideneimino)diethylenetriamine, depma2 = dimerized 9-diethyl-phosphonome-thylanthracene) are reported. They undergo thermo-induced consecu
多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)以高雄激素血症、稀发/无排卵、卵巢多囊样改变以及生育力下降为主要特征,是造成育龄期女性无排卵性不孕最常见的原因,且PCOS患者多伴有肥胖,而肥胖本身对女性生育力同样有负面影响.胰高血糖素样肽1(glucagon-like peptide-1,GLP-1)作为一种重要的胃肠激素,在肥胖以及PCOS进展中具有重要作用.综述肥胖/超重女性不孕以及PCOS发生机制,GLP-1在肥胖型PCOS女性中分泌模式的改变,以期为GLP-1受体激动
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