我国继深圳首开CT-2业务后,大连、绍兴、温州、宁波、番禺、广州、上海、南京、杭州等地相继开始动作。国家无线电委员会新近颁布了CT-2的频率是839~843兆赫,美国摩托罗拉公司日前宣布其CT-2系统将使用此频率。对原先作为单向呼出的CT-2系统,国外一些企业纷纷作了改进,如摩托罗拉公司开发的Meet-me系统,推出了二合一的机种。加拿大北电公司的Companion CT-2系统,已体现出“个人通讯”的概念,该公司有适用于商业、办公用的私用系统和适合整个城市用的公用系统。这两种系统均可满足双
After China first opened its CT-2 business in Shenzhen, Dalian, Shaoxing, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Panyu, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou started to move one after another. National Radio Commission recently promulgated the CT-2 frequency is 839 ~ 843 MHz, the United States Motorola recently announced that its CT-2 system will use this frequency. For the CT-2 system originally used as a one-way outgoing call, some foreign enterprises made improvements in succession, such as the Meet-me system developed by Motorola and the 2-in-1 model. The Companion CT-2 system from Nortel Canada has embraced the concept of “personal communications,” with private systems for commercial and office use and utility systems for the entire city. Both systems meet double