枸椽酸克罗米芬(Clomiphene Citratc)是一种有效的诱发排卵剂。1961年Greenblatt首次报告其排卵效果。在欧美,日本60年代开始应用于临床、我国目前也逐渐推广使用。为加强对该药的认识,本文对其适应症、作用机制、使用方法、副作用、临床效果等作一简单介绍。
Clomiphene citrate is an effective ovulation induction agent. 1961 Greenblatt first reported its ovulation effect. In Europe and the United States, Japan began to be used in clinical practice in the 1960s, and our country is gradually popularized and used now. In order to strengthen the understanding of this medicine, this article gives a brief introduction of its indications, mechanism of action, methods of use, side effects and clinical effects.