
来源 :中国学校卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:antony86
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随着健康的概念从单一的“没有疾病或虚弱”逐渐向“生理、心理和社会”三维概念转变 ,健康综合评价也应涵盖个体身体、心理、社会 3方面的生长发育、生理功能、运动素质、心理社会状况和健康缺陷等不同指标进行综合性的总体评估[1] 。国内的体质健康综合评价研究虽然早在 2 0 As the concept of health gradually changes from the single “no disease or weakness” to the three-dimensional concept of “physical, psychological and social”, the comprehensive health evaluation should also cover the growth, development, physiology and sports qualities of the individual in physical, psychological and social aspects , Psychosocial status and health deficits and other indicators of a comprehensive overall assessment [1]. Although the domestic comprehensive evaluation of physical health research as early as 20 years
介绍了定径辊返修专用车床的特点、加工方式、主要技术参数及使用效果。 This paper introduces the characteristics, processing methods, main technical parameters and
张祥金,是河南省上蔡县人武部政委,可他的部下在私下里都亲切地称呼他“老大哥”。这个称呼包含了他们对张政委的几多敬重几多爱戴。 敬重来自他的“严”。上任伊始,张祥金
Fourteen new 1-acyl-5-aryl biurets were synthesized by the reaction of aryl ureas with acylisocynantes. The latter was obtained from acyl chloride and lead cya
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Six new compounds, α,β-KaHb[GeW9M3(H2O)3O37].xH2O(M = Al, Ga,In; a + b =7) and α-K9H5[Ge2W18Ga6(H2O)3O74].20H2O, were synthesized from the lacunary precurso