以黄浦江上游水源地突发苯酚污染为背景,重点考察了粉末活性炭(PAC)吸附、高锰酸钾(KMnO4)氧化及两者联用技术的除酚效能。结果表明,活性炭及氧化剂种类的选择是影响处理效果的重要因素,微孔发达、比表面积巨大的竹炭对苯酚的去除效果明显优于煤质炭、椰壳炭和木质炭;KMnO4对苯酚的氧化能力强于次氯酸钠和高铁酸钾。增大PAC和KMnO4的投加量,可有效提高对苯酚的去除率;PAC吸附-KMnO4氧化联用技术可大大提高除酚效能,投加50 mg/LPAC,2 mg/L KMnO4可将初始浓度为250μg/L和500μg/L的含酚原水分别处理至18μg/L和66μg/L,是应对高浓度苯酚突发污染的有效应急措施。
Based on the sudden phenol pollution in the upper reaches of Huangpu River, the phenol removal efficiency of powdered activated carbon (PAC) adsorption, KMnO4 oxidation and the combination of the two technologies were investigated emphatically. The results showed that the choice of activated carbon and oxidant species was an important factor affecting the treatment effect. The developed microporous bamboo charcoal with large specific surface area was superior to coal charcoal, coconut shell charcoal and charcoal for the removal of phenol. KMnO4 oxidation of phenol More capable of sodium hypochlorite and potassium ferrate. Increasing the dosage of PAC and KMnO4 can effectively improve the removal rate of phenol. PAC adsorption-KMnO4 oxidation can greatly improve the performance of phenol removal. Adding 50 mg / L LPAC and 2 mg / L KMnO4 can increase the initial concentration The treatment of phenol-containing raw water with concentrations of 250μg / L and 500μg / L to 18μg / L and 66μg / L, respectively, was an effective response to the sudden pollution of high concentrations of phenol.