范用先生送来史枚先生的遗文 ,并附信说 :“记不清何年 ,史枚同志生前留下一篇记《读书与出版》和《读书月报》的稿子 ,一直存在我处。……史枚是《读书》杂志的创办人之一 ,开始就他一人编辑 ,为了纪念他 ,建议读书杂志刊载此文。”文章的朴素与平实 ,一如作者的本色 ,所介绍的两个分别创刊于上世纪三四十年代的刊物可以说是《读书》的前身 ,文中闪动的正是编辑前辈们承担着对时代的责任、坚守在文化出版领域中工作的身影———将近七十年的岁月改变了许多东西 ,但我们坚信有许多东西可以抵御时间的销蚀 ,历久而常新 ,贯穿于《读书》的前世与今生———即以此缅怀本刊前辈史枚先生
Mr. Fan used to send Mr. Shi Mi’s essay and attached a letter saying: “I can not remember what year, Comrade Shi Mu left an essay in his lifetime book” Reading and Publishing “and” Reading Monthly “, there has been me Department ... ... Shi Mei is one of the founders of ”Reading“ magazine, began to edit him alone, in order to commemorate him, it is recommended read a magazine published this article. ”The article is simple and plain, as the author’s true colors, the introduction of The two journals, which were founded in the 1930s and 1940s respectively, can be said to be the predecessor of “reading.” The twinkling of an eye is that editorial predecessors bear the responsibility for the times and stick to their work in the field of cultural publishing --- Nearly seventy years have changed many things, but we are convinced that there are many things that can withstand the erosion of time, lasting and new, which runs through the past and present life of “study.” That is to cherish the memory of our predecessors,