当前土或灰土挤密桩在工程中的应用比前些年较为常见,但它远没有砼桩基础用得广泛。除了前者的适用范围有所局限以外,人们普遍对它认识不深也是影响设计人员选用的原因之一。 土或灰土挤密桩地基是由桩间挤密土和填夯的桩体组成的人工复合地基。此地基适用于地下水位以上的湿陷性黄土、素填土或杂填土。处理深度可达15米,应该说一
The application of soil or lime soil compaction piles in engineering is more common than in previous years, but it is far less widely used for pile foundations. In addition to the limitation of the former’s scope of application, people’s general lack of understanding of it is also one of the reasons that affect the selection of designers. The soil or lime soil compaction pile foundation is an artificial composite foundation consisting of compacted soil between piles and filled piles. This foundation is suitable for collapsible loess, plain fill or miscellaneous fill above groundwater level. Treatment depth up to 15 meters, it should be said