发达国家已把建立以再生资源循环利用为基础的循环型社会作为实施可持续发展战略的重要途径 ,其采取的主要措施就是对废弃物实施法律规制。我国没有一部专门调整再生资源回收利用关系的基本法律。再生资源立法至少具有保护环境、安全、经济和维持市场秩序等方面的价值 ,我国应借鉴发达国家的成功经验 ,综合运用包括积极规则与消除规制、激励性规制与惩罚性规制、刚性规制与弹性规制等在内的多项手段 ,制定一部完善的再生资源法。
Developed countries have set up a recycling-oriented society based on the recycling of renewable resources as an important way to implement the strategy of sustainable development. The main measure taken by the developed countries is to impose laws and regulations on the waste. China does not have a special regulation of the recycling of renewable resources, the basic law. The legislation of renewable resources has at least the value of protecting the environment, safety, economy and maintaining the market order. Our country should learn from the successful experience of developed countries and make comprehensive use of the law including positive rules and elimination of regulations, incentive regulation and punitive regulation, rigid regulation and flexibility Regulation and other means, including a number of ways to develop a sound renewable resources law.