中药雾化合剂是根据贺志光教授临床经验方研制的。1994年以来,我们对该方雾化吸入治疗小儿病毒性肺炎进行了临床观察,并进行了实验研究,取得满意结果,现报告如下。 临床观察 资料与方法 1.临床资料 治疗组36例,男24例,女12例;年龄6个月-4岁,1岁以下25例,2-4岁11例;病程小于1周。病种:腺病毒感
Chinese medicine fog compound is based on Professor He Zhiguang clinical experience developed. Since 1994, we conducted a clinical observation of this side atomized inhalation therapy for viral pneumonia in children and conducted experimental studies with satisfactory results. The report is as follows. Clinical data and methods 1. Clinical data Treatment group of 36 patients, 24 males and 12 females; age 6 months -4 years old, 25 patients under 1 year old, 2-4 years old in 11 cases; duration of less than 1 week. Diseases: Adenovirus flu