2001年4月 10日,日本强行宣布自4月23日正式对我国出口的大葱、鲜香菇、蔺草席,实施“临时紧急进口限制”。为期200天,一直持续到11月8日。此次贸易战中国菜农以及出口加工企业损失惨重。由于蔬菜不同于其他产品,需要新鲜保质,致使中国大批蔬菜不是烂在地里或港口,就是以低价出售,大大打击了菜农们的积极性。这一事件不能不令我们深思,在我国已加入WTO的今天,该如何利用WTO农业协议来保护中国的蔬菜产业,中国蔬菜出口产业该如何发展。
On April 10, 2001, Japan forcibly declared that “green onion, fresh shiitake mushrooms and straw mats” officially exported to our country on April 23 shall be subject to “temporary emergency import restrictions.” The 200-day stay lasted until November 8. The trade war, Chinese vegetable farmers and export processing enterprises suffered heavy losses. Because vegetables are different from other products, they require fresh shelf-life. As a result, a large number of Chinese vegetables are not rotten in the ground or in ports, or sold at low prices, which has greatly affected the enthusiasm of the vegetable farmers. This incident can not but remind us that in our country has joined the WTO today, how to use WTO agricultural agreement to protect China’s vegetable industry, how to develop China’s vegetable export industry.