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1924—1927年的中国大革命,是与共产国际息息相关的。这场由中国共产党和国民党具体领导、共产国际直接指导的轰轰烈烈的革命,最终失败了。就其原因来说,是极为复杂的。然而,有两个重要因素却可以肯定。一是中国共产党自身犯了错误,二是共产国际的指导错误。我党所犯错误,主要表现在执行了陈独秀为代表的右倾机会主义路线;共产国际的错误,则表现在大革命后期对中国革命主要给予了脱离实际的指导。那么,共产国际的错误对于我党所犯的错误起着什么作用呢?我们只有认真弄清这一问题,才能正确的、科学的和客观的认识大革命失败的原因。 众所周知,中国共产党是在共产国际的直接帮助下建立的,更作为国际的一个支部在其直按领导下进行革命斗争。大革命期间,我党还十分幼小,很不成 The Great Revolution of China from 1924 to 1927 was closely linked with the Communist International. This vigorous revolution led directly by the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang under the guidance of the Comintern failed in the end. For its part, it is extremely complicated. However, two important factors can be affirmed. First, the Communist Party of China made a mistake on its own. Second, the Communist International misguided. The mistakes made by our party are mainly manifested in the right opportunist line represented by Chen Duxiu. The mistake made by the Comintern is that it basically gives the Chinese revolution largely unrealistic guidance in the late period of the Great Revolution. Then, what is the role of the Comintern’s mistakes in making mistakes made by our party? Only by earnestly understanding this issue can we correctly, scientifically and objectively understand the reasons for the failure of the Great Revolution. As we all know, the Chinese Communist Party was established with the direct help of the Comintern and even as a branch of the international revolution under the direct leadership of the Communist International. During the revolution, our party was still young and very successful