11季风雨,阿伦·艾弗森(Allen Iverson)在费城终于走到了尽头。这个只有1.83米的小个子,这个NBA四届得分王,三届抢断王,一次常规赛MVP,两次全明星赛MVP,却仍带着总冠军的梦想来到了丹佛。费城球迷,请不要为失去AI难过,因为天下没有不散的宴席,他为费城所做的已经够多的了;掘金队,可以打开香槟了,你们原本就已具备了打进季后赛的实力,AI的到来是求仁得仁,剩下的只是保证他能够健康地出现在总决赛的赛场上;AI的赞助商锐步公司,更是这次转会的最大受益人,艾弗森最新的掘金队3号球衣已经在纽约第五大道的NBA专卖店卖到了200美元以上,而且有行无市。
During the monsoon rains, Allen Iverson finally came to an end in Philadelphia. This is only 1.83 meters small, the NBA fourth scoring, three steals, a regular season MVP, two All-Star MVP, but still with the championship dream came to Denver. Philadelphia fans, please do not be sad for the loss of AI, because there is no non-stop banquet, he has done enough for the Philadelphia Nuggets, you can open the champagne, and you already had the playoffs Strength, the arrival of AI is forgiven, the rest is only to ensure that he can appear healthy in the Finals match; AI’s sponsor Reebok, is the biggest beneficiary of this transfer, Iver Sen’s newest Nuggets No. 3 jersey has been sold in the New York Fifth Avenue NBA stores more than 200 US dollars, but there is no market.