浅述了水电流域梯级电厂生产实时决策信息系统的设计与开发,其中重点阐述了数据通信及处理子系统的设计思想及实施方法.该系统是以计算机为工具,以现代通信等技术为手段,在发电企业生产调度决策管理系统中,实现了电力生产过程的控制,数据信息、生产信息记录等的一个智能化实时信息系统.“,”This paper deals with the design and de-velopment of management information system of real-time produchon of valley cascade hydropower stahons,which emphasizes on the design idea and implementa-hon method of the subsystem of data communicationand process.The system is an intellectUalized real-timeinformation system which realizes the control of elec-tricity production process, the transfer of data informa-tion and the production informahon record in the pro-duction dispatching decision-making management sys-tem of power generating enterprises by means of tech-nologies like modern communicahon and using com-puter as the tool.