在日常生活中,人们的大部分时间处于站立或坐着姿态,这很容易使一些部位劳损或导致某些疾病。如果能在各种紧张繁忙活动的间隙平躺休息一下,使全身得到放松,对身体健康是大有益处的。 人在站立时,躯干及下肢的肌肉、腰椎骨骼和髋、膝、踝等关节负荷较重;胃、肾、子宫等内脏器官受重力影响而下垂,当腹肌无力和韧带松弛时下垂更厉害,久而久之有可能形成下(脱)垂疾病;心脏要把血液“泵”到头部和上肢,需要承受相当大的负荷;肺及肋间肌也为对抗重力而使劲工作等等。如果身上再有负重或进行跳跃、跑步、攀登等运动,机体负荷量就会成倍增加。人在
In daily life, most of the time, people stand or sit posture, it is easy to make some parts of the strain or lead to certain diseases. If you can lie in the gap between a variety of intense activities to rest, so that the whole body to relax, is good for your health. When standing, the torso and lower extremity muscles, lumbar spine and hip, knee, ankle and other joints heavier load; stomach, kidney, uterus and other internal organs under the influence of gravity drooping, abdominal weakness and ligament laxity more severe sagging Over time, it is possible to develop a disease of lower extremity. The heart pumps blood to the head and upper limbs and needs to bear a considerable load. The lungs and intercostal muscles also work hard against gravity. If you have another body weight or jumping, running, climbing and other sports, the body load will be doubled. people at