“悟性”是人对事物分析和理解的能力。这种能力表现的主要思维方式是形象思维,即学者通过驱使自己想象力和思考力亲领悟识记信息的真谛,从而达到出神入化的境界。人们常说。“只可意会,不可言传。”其中的“意会”正是“悟性”的表现。那么,如何培养学生的悟性呢? 一、诱导法作文教学旨在培养学生发现美、欣赏美、表现美、创造美的能力。美不但能对培养学生高尚情操起到潜移默化的作用,而且能启迪学生的悟
“Sensation” is the ability of people to analyze and understand things. The main way of thinking of this kind of ability performance is imagery thinking. That is to say, scholars can achieve their goal of becoming supernatural by driving their imagination and thinking power to understand and remember information. People often say. “I can only think of it, but I can’t say it.” The “meaningfulness” is exactly the expression of “sense”. So, how to cultivate the students’ comprehension? First, the induction method composition teaching aims to cultivate students’ ability to discover beauty, appreciate beauty, express beauty, and create beauty. The United States not only plays a subtle role in cultivating students’ noble sentiments, but also enlightens students