BOL China贝塔斯曼在线中国成立于1999年12月,其所提供的图书几乎覆盖了中国市场上所有新出版的图书及音像制品。其提供的所有产品均有折扣,同时其便利地网上购物流程和贝塔斯曼百年的服务经验将让您充分体验一流的网上购物乐趣。 经过一段时间的试运行,BOLChi
BOL China Bertelsmann Online China was founded in December 1999 and offers books covering almost all newly-published books and audio-visual products in the Chinese market. It offers discounts on all its products, while its convenient online shopping process and Bertelsmann’s 100-year service experience will allow you to fully experience first-rate online shopping. After a period of trial operation, BOLChi