人类骨与软组织肉瘤的发生率较低,在美国,每年新增骨肉瘤患者约 750例,软组织肉瘤约 6 000例 [1],因此,研究较为困难。在过去的 20余年里,骨肉瘤的治疗取得了很大的进展,但软组织肉瘤的治疗却相对滞后。尤其在国内,两者的治疗和预后与国外相比还存在着一定差距,因此有
The incidence of human bone and soft tissue sarcoma is low. In the United States, there are approximately 750 new cases of osteosarcoma and approximately 6,000 soft tissue sarcomas each year [1]. Therefore, the study is difficult. In the past 20 years, the treatment of osteosarcoma has made great progress, but the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma has lagged behind. Especially in China, there is still a certain gap between the treatment and prognosis of both countries compared with foreign countries. Therefore, there are