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高中语文课本第一册273页《师说》注①说韩愈“自谓郡望昌黎,世称韩昌黎”。那么,什么叫“郡望”?“昌黎”所指何处?现据《辞海》简释如下: “郡”是古代的行政区划,秦汉以前,郡比县小,秦汉以后,郡比县大。《史记·秦始皇本纪》有载:“(秦)分天下以为三十六郡。”“望”有仰望之意。魏晋至隋唐,人
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Objectives: We report two types of anatomical variations of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in two patients. Through these two patients we wanted to highlight our
We investigated the effect of resveratrol on oxidation damage and variation of antioxidant defences induced by 2-nitropropane (2-NP) in rat liver. One group of
This in vitro study was designed to assess the effects of fentanyl on isolated rabbit thoracic aorta rings contracted with phenylephrine. Methods included contr
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of three commercial compounds against ascarids and Capillaria spp. in naturally infected