一杯黄土埋忠骨,常使人们泪满襟。2003年9月16日,山西省万荣县人武部部长王仰林在准备“两个服从、两个确保”教育先进典型发言材料时,突发心肌梗塞,倒在了工作岗位上。噩耗传来,他的战友同事、相知百姓,无不为之悲痛!运城军分区和山西省军区党委先后作出决定,号召全区官兵向他学习。他的高尚品德和动人事迹,令人缅怀、钦佩! 把干好党的事业作为人生的最大价值,矢志不渝、执著追求王仰林1955年出生,1973年12月入伍。30年来,他在野战部队历任班长、排长,团机关参谋、作训股长、副参谋长,师
A loess buried loyalty, often people tear lapel. On September 16, 2003, Wang Yanglin, director of the People’s Armed Forces Department of Wanrong County in Shanxi Province, suddenly prepared a myocardial infarction when he was preparing his / her “two obedience and two guarantees” education materials. Bad news came, his comrades colleagues, people know each and every one of the sad! Yuncheng Military Division and Shanxi Military Region Party Committee has decided to call on all officers and soldiers to learn from him. His noble character and moving deeds, cherish the memory, admiration! The cause of doing well the party as the greatest value of life, unshaken, persistent pursuit of Wang Yanglin was born in 1955, December 1973 enlisted. For 30 years, he has served as a squad leader, platoon leader, regiment staff officer, training chief, deputy chief of staff, division