关于碳酸酐酶(carbonic anhydrase)生理功能的知识已有廿余年的历史,近年来发现了抑制碳酸酐酶的药物,其中突出的是“地亚莫克斯”(系商品名Diamox的译音),亦称醋酰硫二氮二烯磺酰胺(acetazoleamide)。这类药物曾被学者用来进一步研究碳酸酐酶在各种生理机能中的作用:例如对呼吸、泌尿、眼内压等问题都有了更多的了解,同时在临床上也确定了它作为利尿剂的用途,而且很可能发展为治疗青光眼等多种病理过程有效的药物。因此这类药物获得药理学家和临床学家们普遍的重视。本文将就过去及最近一些重要的文献做一简要的报导。
More than twenty years of knowledge about the physiological functions of carbonic anhydrases have led to the discovery of drugs that inhibit carbonic anhydrase in recent years, notably “Diamox” (the transliteration of Diamox) Also known as acetazole amide. These drugs have been used by scholars to further study the role of carbonic anhydrase in various physiological functions: for example, breathing, urinary, intraocular pressure and other issues have a more understanding, but also clinically confirmed it as Diuretic use, and is likely to develop effective drugs for the treatment of many pathological processes such as glaucoma. Therefore, these kinds of drugs get the general attention of pharmacologists and clinicians. This article will give a brief overview of past and recent important literature.