【摘 要】
Maybe you do not know, metal is everywhere - in hair care products, detergents, and even the deodorant nano socks you wear. However, it has always been regarded as a waste by people, and seldom goes to human feces of interest for research, even containing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of precious metals! Scientists from the United States found metal substances such as platinum, silver and gold in human excrement, Gold reserves are extremely scarce. They said that one million Americans may have worth about $ 13 million worth of excrement if they can find the right way to extract the precious
1955年4月18日,星期一,爱因斯坦的生命走到了尽头。 这一年,他76岁。 凌晨1点刚过,病床上的爱因斯坦突然用德语断断续续地讲起话来,气若游丝。值班护士听不懂,她叫来了医生,但为时已晚。 爱因斯坦最后的遗言就这样成为了永远的谜。 遗体当天下午就在特灵顿火化,消息没有公开,在场的只有12个人,骨灰被撒入了附近的特拉华河。这是爱因斯坦的遗愿,他不希望自己的墓地成为众人膜拜的地方。 但这并
Based on gridded Argo profile data from January 2004 to December 2010, together with the P-vector inverse method, the three-dimensional structure, annual and in
以画品、人品兼 论,在我所熟悉的国 画家中,卢沉先生最 是我以为可爱、可亲、 可敬的一位。三十六 年前,我曾从而师之, 体会切深。 卢沉向壁画系推 荐武艺,——武艺是卢沉最
Obesity and associated reduced consumption of plant derived foods are linked to increased risk of colon cancer as well as a number of other organ specific cance
AIM: To clarify the usefulness of the self-expanding metallic stents (SEMS) in the management of acute proximal colon obstruction due to colon carcinoma before