相比较而言,美国的市场经济体制比较完善,自我修复能力较强美联储主席伯南克日前发表讲话称,美国或将于今年下半年或明年初提前退出量化宽松政策(QE:Quartitative Easing)。一石激起千层浪。在欧洲,日本和新兴经济体都持续疲软之时,美国即将退出QE的信号触发了国际市场的担忧,各国股市、债市都出现不同程度下跌,国际大宗商品价格也开始回调。
In contrast, the United States has a relatively perfect market economy and a strong self-repair capability. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said in a speech a few days ago that the United States will withdraw from the quantitative easing (QE) policy early this year or early next year. A stone aroused Melaleuca waves. As Europe, Japan and emerging economies continued to weaken, the signal of the United States’ quitting QE soon triggered fears in the international market. All the stock markets and bond markets in various countries experienced declines to varying degrees, and international commodity prices started to move down.