对广州市10种常用园林灌木的固碳释氧、降温增湿、滞尘和吸收S、Cl能力等进行对比研究。结果表明:单位叶面积和单位绿化面积的固碳释氧量都以海桐最大;降温增湿亦以海桐最大;叶片吸收S含量大小顺序为大红花Hibiscus rosa-sinensis>夹竹桃Nerium indicum>桂花Osmanthus fragrans>紫薇Lagerstoemia indica>鸡蛋花Plumeria rubra cv.Acutifolia>灰莉Fagraea ceilanica>海桐Pittosporum tobira>美花红千层Callistemon citrinus>黄叶假连翘Duranta repens cv.‘Dwarf Yellow’>黄金榕Ficus microcarpus cv.‘Golden Leaf’。叶片吸收Cl含量大小顺序为鸡蛋花Plumeria rubra cv.Acutifolia>大红花Hibiscus rosa-sinensis>紫薇Lagerstoemia indica>美花红千层Callistemon citrinus>夹竹桃Nerium indicum>灰莉Fagraea ceilanic>黄叶假连翘Duranta repens cv.‘Dwarf Yellow’>黄金榕Ficus microcarpus cv.‘Golden Leaf’>桂花Osmanthus fragrans>海桐Pittosporum tobira;鸡蛋花的滞尘能力强。综合而言,海桐生态功能最强,黄金榕最弱。
Carbon fixation and oxygen release, temperature and humidity increase, dust retention and absorption capacity of S and Cl in 10 common garden shrubs in Guangzhou were studied. The results showed that the maximum amount of carbon sequestration and oxygen release per unit leaf area and unit afforestation area was Jatropha curcas, and the largest was Jatropha curcas by cooling and moisturizing. The order of leaf absorption S content was Hibiscus rosa-sinensis> Nerium indicum> Osmanthus fragrans> Lagerstoemia indica> Plumeria rubra cv.Acutifolia> Ashley Fagraea ceilanica> Pittosporum tobira> Callistemon citrinus> Yellow fake Duranta repens cv.’Dwarf Yellow ’> Gold Ficus microcarpus cv. ’Golden Leaf’. The order of Cl content in leaves was Plumeria rubra cv.Acutifolia> Hibiscus rosa-sinensis> Lagerstoemia indica> Callistemon citrinus> Nerium indicum> Fagraea ceilanic> Duranta repens cv.’Dwarf Yellow ’> Ficus microcarpus cv.’Golden Leaf’> Osmanthus fragrans> Pittosporum tobira; In general, Haitang has the strongest ecological functions and the weakest gold banyan.