
来源 :当代油画 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forest_28
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写实绘画在今天之难,难在有太多可以比较的参照。与当代艺术的其他门类相比较,它的标准太明晰,限制也太多,且不论我们熟知的经典高悬在博物馆的殿堂之上,这是一把被观众随时用来丈量画家的尺子,还有更加“写实”的摄影术,时时提醒着画家,如何在图像时代让绘画有自身的领域,同时又赋予其新意。与红舟同龄的画家,大都在写实这条路上开始艺术的启蒙,而能留下来,并在此领域里有成就者却寥寥无几。因为难,因为太难,即便穷尽一生,也未必能有所建树。红舟却偏偏 Realistic painting in today’s difficult, difficult to have too many references can be compared. Compared with other categories of contemporary art, its standards are too clear and too restrictive, and no matter how well-known classics hang over the museum’s hall, it is a ruler used by the audience to measure painters at any time. There are more “realism ” photography, remind the painter from time to time, how to make painting have their own fields in the image age, while giving their new ideas. Painters of the same age as the Red Riding Horses, most of whom started artistic enlightenment on the road to realism, were able to stay and there were few achievements in this field. Because of the difficulty, because it is too difficult, even if life is exhausted, may not be able to accomplish something. The red boat but happens
本文介绍了意大利著名作曲家.指挥家.低音提琴演奏家波泰西尼生平,阐述了《b小调协奏曲》的和声曲式结构,对各乐章的演奏技巧作了详细分析,并论述了音乐表现的方法。 波泰西尼(