
来源 :国外医学.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windtree
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在西方青年人近视发病率约为33%。其原因与遗传和环境因素有关。最近有人提出视觉依赖反馈机理,指出图形视觉刺激剥夺对婴幼儿有产生近视的效果,并认为在婴儿发育过程中由于缺乏清晰的视网膜图像,眼球的发育失调节,导致眼球轴长增加引起近视。本文作者通过观察11例新生儿期玻璃体出血后形成严重近视的患者,对儿童期玻璃体出血与近视的相关性进行了研究。研究资料均为计算机检索到的资料。凡确诊为玻璃体出血或曾在本研究所小儿眼科诊所作过玻璃体切割的患者(有青光眼、早产儿视 The incidence of myopia in young people in the West is about 33%. The reason is related to genetic and environmental factors. Recently, some people put forward the mechanism of visual dependence feedback, pointed out that visual stimulation of visual deprivation on myopia has the effect of infants and young children, and that in the process of infant development due to the lack of a clear retinal image, the developmental disorders of the eye, resulting in increased axial length of myopia caused by the eye. The authors investigated the association between childhood vitreous hemorrhage and myopia by observing 11 patients with severe myopia after vitreous hemorrhage in the neonatal period. Research data are computer-retrieved data. All patients who have been diagnosed with vitreous hemorrhage or have undergone vitrectomy in pediatric ophthalmology clinics (with glaucoma, prematurity
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