弗朗西斯·毕卡比亚 1879-1953 弗朗西斯-马里耶-马蒂内·毕卡比亚,约1879年1月22日生于巴黎。他的父亲是西班牙人,母亲是法国人。1895至1897年,毕卡比亚在巴黎工艺美术学院学习,后来师从阿尔贝·夏尔·瓦莱、费迪南·安贝尔、费尔南·科尔蒙。1902至1903年的冬天,毕卡比
Francis Bikabia 1879-1953 Francis-Marie-Martinez Bikabia, born on January 22, 1879 in Paris. His father is Spanish, his mother is French. From 1895 to 1897, Kikabia studied at the Academy of Arts and Crafts in Paris and later studied with Charles de Vallet, Ferdinand Arbel, and Fernán Cormont. In the winter of 1902-1903, Picardy