目的:了解新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间长三角地区护理学专业实习学生职业态度和坚韧人格现状,并分析两者的相关性。方法:2020年2月,采取便利抽样法选取上海、江苏、浙江、安徽等长三角地区13所医院427名护理学专业实习学生作为调查对象,采用一般资料调查表、护士职业态度量表和大学生坚韧人格评定量表对其进行调查。结果:护理学专业实习学生职业态度总分为(6.00±0.99)分,坚韧人格总分为(2.78±0.54)分。韧性、控制、投入、挑战4个维度评分分别为(0.61±0.12)分、(0.83±0.17)分、(0.62±0.13)分、(0.72±0.15)分,职业态度与坚韧人格总分及其4个维度具有一定的正相关性(相关系数分别为0.278、0.243、0.247、0.278、0.289,n P<0.01)。n 结论:疫情期间长三角地区护理学专业实习学生的职业态度表现较为积极,人格性表现较为坚韧,而且两者具有一定的相关性。护理学院校和教学医院可以通过提升学生的人格坚韧性,引导其树立良好牢固的职业态度。","Objective:To investigate the status quo and correlation of Occupational Attitudes and Hardiness Personality among Nursing Students in clinical practice in the Yangtze River delta during the prevention and control of COVID-19.Methods:On February 2020, 427 nursing students in clinical practice in the Yangtze River delta were investigated with self-reporting questionnaires consisted of demographic information, nursing occupation attitude scale and hardiness personality scale.Results:The total score of occupation attitudes was(6.00±0.99), and the total score of hardiness personality was(2.78±0.54). Under the prevention of COVID-19, the nursing students occupation attitudes was positively correlated with hardiness personality(n P<0.01). The scores of resilience, control, engagement and challenge were (0.61±0.12), (0.83±0.17), (0.62±0.13) and (0.72±0.15) respectively. There was a certain correlation between professional attitude and the total score of hardiness and its four dimensions (correlation coefficients were 0.278, 0.243, 0.247, 0.278, 0.289 respectively,n P<0.01).n Conclusions:During the epidemic period, the professional attitude and personality of nursing intes in Yangtze River Delta were more positive, and there was a certain positive correlation between them. Nursing schools and teaching hospitals should actively guide nursing students to establish good occupational attitudes by improving their personality hardiness.