结合安钢第二炼轧厂的生产现状,分析了留渣操作容易引起喷溅、粘枪、终点碳高等一系列问题,并提出了相应的解决措施。生产实践表明,实施留渣操作对转炉冶炼时的初期化渣和脱磷十分有利,可以取得良好的经济效益。石灰消耗约可降低9 kg/t,钢铁料消耗降低5 kg/t,精炼电耗降低6 kWh/t,并对炉衬维护有积极作用。
Combined with the production status of No.2 Iron and Steel Mill in Anyang Iron and Steel Group, a series of problems such as splashing, sticking gun and end point carbon are easily analyzed, and the corresponding solutions are proposed. Production practice shows that the implementation of residue-free operation of the converter slag and dephosphorization of the initial very favorable, you can get good economic benefits. Lime consumption can be reduced by about 9 kg / t, steel consumption reduced by 5 kg / t, refining power consumption reduced by 6 kWh / t, and the lining maintenance has a positive effect.