花螺是方斑东风螺的俗称 ,属于腹足纲、蛾螺科 ,是一种大有推广前途的海水贝类养殖品种。它生活在 5~ 1 0m深的沙泥质海底 ,主要分布在我国东南沿海、东南亚以及日本沿海 ,是热带、亚热带的海产贝类 ,肉质鲜美 ,营养丰富 ,是人们喜食的传统海味。花螺的抗病力相当强 ,在水温 1
Flower bud is the common name of the square spot Dongfenglu, belonging to Gastropoda, moth family, is a great promotion of seawater shellfish breeds. It lives in 5 ~ 10m deep sand muddy seabed, mainly distributed in China’s southeast coast, Southeast Asia and Japan’s coastal areas, is a tropical and subtropical marine shellfish, meat is delicious, nutritious, is the traditional seafood people like to eat. The resistance of the flowers is very strong, at the water temperature 1