通过冬小麦播种前对土壤进行不同耕作处理的试验,探讨不同耕作深度对冬小麦生长状况及产量的影响。结果表明,与旋耕处理相比,深耕处理的小麦冬前基本苗增加0.2万株,春季群体增加2.9万株,单株次生根增加6.32条。从而对小麦成产因素和产量产生影响,平均亩穗数增加1.83万穗,穗粒数增加0.32粒,千粒重提高0.27 g,小麦增产7.44%。由此可见,深耕处理可以改良土壤结构,提高冬小麦产量。
The experiment of different tillage treatments on soil before sowing of winter wheat was conducted to investigate the effects of different tillage depths on the growth and yield of winter wheat. The results showed that compared with rotary tillage, the basic seedlings of deep-tillage treated winter wheat increased by 0.2 million, the spring population increased by 29,000, and the number of secondary roots per plant increased by 6.32. Thus affecting wheat production factors and yield. The average number of ears per acre increased by 18,300 ears, the grain number increased by 0.32 grains, the grain weight increased by 0.27 g, and the wheat yield increased by 7.44%. Thus, deep plowing can improve soil structure and increase winter wheat yield.