患儿,男,7个月,因感冒、发烧、抽搐入院。患儿系第一胎,其母孕7~+月时,因急腹症行剖腹产。初生儿体重2350g,自然啼哭。5~+月前吃奶好,不爱哭,近2~+月夜间频繁啼哭。此次因感冒、发烧、抽搐于1994年8月28日夜间急诊入儿科治疗。 检查:反应迟钝,头大,扁园(前后径小,左右径大),双眼距宽,鼻梁塌,鲤鱼嘴,双耳低位。颈软、未扪及包块。胸廓正常,腹部平坦,未扪及包块。生殖器发育不良,阴茎短小,如小黄豆大小,阴囊肿大透明。四肢瘦小,四肢张力降低,手握力差,右手呈握笔状,双手呈桥贯掌,atd角高。双下肢无力,被动活动好,足背淋巴回流不畅,大脚趾背屈明显。
Children, male, 7 months, due to a cold, fever, convulsions admitted. Children with the first child, the mother of pregnancy 7 ~ + months, due to acute abdomen Caesarean section. Newborn weight 2350g, naturally crying. 5 ~ + months before eating good, do not like to cry, nearly 2 ~ + moonlight night cry frequently. The cold, fever, convulsions in the August 28, 1994 night emergency pediatric treatment. Check: unresponsive, big head, flat garden (small diameter before and after, about large diameter), wide eyes, nose collapse, carp mouth, ears low. Neck soft, palpable mass. Normal thorax, flat abdomen, palpable mass. Genital hypoplasia, short penis, such as the size of small beans, scrotal enlargement and transparency. Extremities thin, lower extremity tension, poor hand grip, pen grip was the right hand, his hands were the bridge of the palm, atd angle. Both lower limb weakness, passive activity is good, poor dorsal lymphatic flow, big toe dorsiflexion obvious.