宫颈裂伤是阴道分娩中常见的软产道损伤之一,如损伤严重,处理不及时,可危及病人生命。我院1994年1月至1999年1月间足月阴道分娩引起宫颈裂伤80例,现总结分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 资料来源:我院1994年1月至1999年1月足月分娩5543例,其中阴道分娩3246例,发生宫颈裂伤80例,占阴道分娩总数2.4%。 1.2 宫颈裂伤与胎方位、分娩方式、胎儿体重的关系:80例宫颈裂伤中,枕前位48例,枕横位26例,枕后位6例,胎头吸引器助产50例,其中人工扩宫加吸引器助产37例,胎儿体重4000~4500克6
Cervical laceration is one of the common soft birth canal injuries during vaginal delivery. If the injury is serious, it can endanger the life of the patient. Our hospital from January 1994 to January 1999 caused by full-term vaginal delivery of cervical laceration 80 cases, are summarized as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 Source: Our hospital from January 1994 to January 1999 full-term delivery 5543 cases, of which 3246 cases of vaginal delivery, cervical laceration occurred in 80 cases, accounting for 2.4% of the total vaginal delivery. 1.2 cervical laceration and fetal position, mode of delivery, the relationship between fetal weight: 80 cases of cervical laceration, the anterior occipital 48 cases, 26 cases of occipital transverse position, posterior occipital position in 6 cases, fetal head suction midwifery 50 cases, Among them, artificial abortion plus aspirator assisted labor 37 cases, fetal weight 4000 ~ 4500 grams 6