美国消防史上的“第一” 1.第一支义务消防队 1736年,本杰明·富兰克林在费城建立全美第一支义务消防队,取名为“联合消防队”。同时,富兰克林也成为美国历史上第一任义务消防队的队长。 2.第一次由政府为消防局出钱 1679年,波士顿发生了一起大火,该市当局考虑为消防局出资购买消防器材,于是从英国引进了一辆消防车并雇用一个名叫托马斯·阿特可思的人为消防队长和12名队员来共同操作这辆车,开了政府出资消防之先河。 3.第一台自动喷淋灭火装置 第一台自动喷淋灭火装置发明于1860年。1872年,美国人菲利普·W·帕拉特将取得美国专利权的第一套自动喷淋灭火装置系统应用于摩洛哥,并得到了进
In the history of the United States fire “first” 1. The first volunteer fire brigade In 1736, Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia to establish the nation’s first volunteer fire brigade, named “United Fire Brigade.” Franklin also became the captain of the first volunteer fire department in U.S. history. For the first time, the government paid for the fire station In 1679, a big fire broke out in Boston. The city authorities considered investing fire equipment for the Fire Department, so a fire truck was introduced from the UK and a job called Thomas A Tesco people as fire chief and 12 team members to operate the car, opened the government-funded fire prevention precedent. 3. The first automatic sprinkler device The first automatic sprinkler device was invented in 1860. In 1872, the American Philippe W. Palat applied the first set of automatic sprinkler systems made in the United States to Morocco and gained