“车怕人”是我那几位开车朋友的感叹,我也有同感。自从100多年前世界上诞生第一部汽车后,车祸也就应运而生,至今全世界不知有多少人死于交通事故这“无声的战争”中。如此,应该是人怕车,岂能车怕人? 然而,现实生活中却常常看到在车行道上,非机动车甚至徒步的行人与汽车抢道而行;在快速行驶的汽车跟前,自行车紧贴车头一掠而过;在车水马龙的大街上,自行车或快如流星,或“咬车相斗”,或在汽车间隙鱼贯穿梭;而行人呢,不走人行道,偏向车行道挤,或并肩而行,或嬉笑追逐,任凭喇叭声“响连天”,依然是“我行我素。”
“Car afraid of people” is my lamented friends who drive, I agree. Since the birth of the first car in the world more than 100 years ago, a car accident has come into being. To this day, many people in the world do not know how many people died in the “silent war” of traffic accidents. However, in real life, it is common to see non-motorized pedestrians and even motorized vehicles walking on footpaths. In the fast moving car, the bicycle is tight In front of a busy street, bikes or fast as meteors, or “bite car fight”, or in the car through the shuttle; and pedestrians it, do not take the sidewalks, the sidewalks squeezed sideways, or side by side The line, or laughing chase, despite the horn “ringing the sky” is still “our own way.”