20 0 3年暑假 ,新课程改革工作在我校全面展开。面对全新的教材、全新的教学理念 ,许多同行显得有些不知所措。尤其是中考语文阅读材料均选自课外的改革 ,给课内现代文的教学带来了诸多疑惑。因而该如何对待课程改革后教材中的现代文 ,用什么方法上好现代文成了争论的焦点。对
In the summer vacation of 2003, new curriculum reform work was carried out in our school. In the face of new teaching materials and new teaching concepts, many of their peers are overwhelmed. In particular, the Chinese reading materials for the Chinese exams were selected from the extracurricular reforms, which brought many doubts to the teaching of modern Chinese in class. Therefore, how to deal with modern texts in textbooks after the curriculum reform and what methods to use modern texts become the focus of debate. Correct