华为公司开发的SBS-HDSL 1对线,2对线系统于1996年8月22~24日在邮电部传输所通过测试,其中1对线HDSL是国内首家开发并通过测试的产品.测试结果表明,系统的数字接口特性、线路接口特性及传输性能,达到了国标GB7611-87、ITU-T G.703和HDSL邮电部待批部标的各项指标要求,其中数字口、线路口许多指标测试结果均远远优于指标要求.
The SBS-HDSL 1-pair and 2-pair systems developed by Huawei have been tested and passed by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications on August 22-24, 1996. The 1-pair HDSL is the first product developed and tested in China. It shows that the system’s digital interface characteristics, line interface characteristics and transmission performance have reached the requirements of various indicators of the national standard GB7611-87, the ITU-T G.703 and the HDSL post and telecommunications department to be approved. Among them, a number of indicators The results are far superior to the indicator requirements.