数字化印模技术是近年来修复学领域出现的有划时代意义的新技术,为口腔修复印模方式的选择和口腔修复体的制作提供了一种全新思路,提高了患者的舒适度,其精度高,便于储存、整理和远程交流,在种植导板以及种植后即刻修复体的制作等方面亦有广泛的应用,由其引领的高端诊疗模式有望成为今后口腔医疗的技术主流和发展趋势.“,”As an important technique in the field of prosthodontics, the digital impression provided a new way of thinking for impression and the production of prosthesis. It made it convenient in stocking, arranging and remote communications, also improved the sensibility condition of patients with high accuracy. It was widely used in planting guide and the production of immediate denture. It was promised to be the mainstream technology and development tendency in oral data acquisition in the future.