随着诊断技术和治疗技术的迅速发展,院内感染问题也日益突出。我院近年自成立了专门监测机构以来,对院内感染进行专项监控。本文就我院近年来300例因脑血管意外住院的老年人院内感染情况进行调查分析,结果如下。1 临床资料300例老人脑血管意外中,男183例,女117例,男女比例约为1.5:1;年龄均为60岁以上,最高年龄
With the rapid development of diagnostic technology and treatment technology, the problem of nosocomial infection has become increasingly prominent. In recent years, our hospital has set up a special monitoring agency since the hospital for special surveillance. In this paper, our hospital in recent years 300 cases of hospitalized elderly patients with cerebrovascular accident in the hospital for investigation and analysis of the situation, the results are as follows. 1 Clinical data 300 cases of cerebrovascular accident in the elderly, 183 were male and 117 females, male to female ratio of about 1.5: 1; all were 60 years of age or older, the highest age