
来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miss3yoyo
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文章分析了我国从1998年开始建立社会医疗保险制度以来,卫生总费用与国民经济的发展变化趋势,城乡居民可支配收入与医疗保健支出的相关性及地区差异性。结果显示,卫生总费用的增长与国民经济发展总体相适应,城乡居民可支配收入与医疗保健支出呈高度相关(r城市=0.989,r农村=0.993);但各省(区、市)家庭可支配收入与医疗保健支出之间相关性不强(r=0.554),存在明显的地区差异。建议通过加强中央统筹,提高政府对卫生总费用、社会医疗保险支付的能力,建立与当地经济发展相适应的医疗服务价格体系,缩小地区差距。 The article analyzes the development trend of the total health expenditure and the national economy since the establishment of the social medical insurance system in 1998 in our country, the correlation between the disposable income of urban and rural residents and the expenditures on health care and the regional differences. The results showed that the growth of total health expenditure was in line with the overall development of the national economy. The disposable income of urban and rural residents was highly correlated with the expenditure on health care (r = 0.989, r = 0.993 in rural areas); however, households in all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) There was not a strong correlation between income and health care expenditures (r = 0.554), with significant regional differences. It is suggested that the central government should reduce the regional disparity by strengthening the overall planning of the central government, increasing the government’s overall health expenditure and the ability to pay for social health insurance, and establishing a medical service price system that is appropriate to the local economic development.
白灵菇( Pleurotus nebrodensis)又称白灵侧耳、白阿魏菇,原产于新疆,由于其菇体肥大洁白,肉质细腻,口感好,香味浓,且营养丰富,故有"摹牛肝菌"的美称.据测定,白灵菇蛋白质含
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