根据稀植间套多头整枝棉田棉花铃重试验资料 ,分析研究了主茎叶枝铃重与热量条件的相关关系 ,提出了计算棉铃耗热系数和单株棉铃热量利用效率的计算模式 ,分析计算了棉田不同时段和不同结构的热量利用状况 ,综合评价了稀植间套多头整枝棉田叶枝结铃的热量补偿效应和产量补偿效应 ,为合理调整棉田结构、把握棉田热量资源开发的关键时段和主导措施提供了科学依据
According to cotton boll weight test data of sparsely planted multi-headed barcrop cotton field, the correlation between boll weight and caloric condition of main stem was analyzed. The calculation model of caloric coefficient of boll and caloric efficiency of boll bolls was proposed. The heat compensation effect and the yield compensation effect of the branches and leaves of sparse branch intercropping cotton plantations were evaluated comprehensively. In order to adjust the structure of cotton field reasonably and to grasp the key periods and the dominant measures for the development of cotton plant heat resources The scientific basis